A chance recommendation from a team mate led Dr. Isaacson to his first encounter with Chiropractic care. Whilst playing for Newcastle Falcons, a persistent pelvic injury had began to jeopardise his future at the club. “I was consistently injured, rehabbing myself then breaking down again. It was incredibly frustrating and eventually had the club hierarchy having concerns about me resigning. Out of sheer worry and despair, another player quietly suggested seeing his Chiropractor. After my first adjustment I never had a problem again”. He went on to sign for a further six seasons, leaving to join Leeds Tykes in 2006 for two seasons.
Buoyed by such an impact and the success chiropractic had on his athletic career, an opportunity presented itself to attend the largest Chiropractic institution in the world, the prestigious Life University located in Marietta, Georgia just outside of Atlanta, USA. He returned initially to higher learning completing a degree in Biomedical Sciences at Northumbria University. Dr. Isaacson was then offered a full athletic scholarship for the intensive 4 year program at Life, graduating in 2014. Following graduation, he stayed on in the US with his new wife Kerry whom he met at University, and took up an associate position under Gonstead Fellow Dr. Patrick Ryan in Randolph, New Jersey. Under the guidance of Dr Ryan, Dr. Jerry Mendez of Hackensack, New Jersey and Dr. David Rowe in Manhattan, New York, Dr Isaacson has and continues to learn from some of the worlds leading Gonstead Chiropractors, most recently good friend Dr. Graeme Massey in Manchester. It is through the trainings from these associations that authentic transmissions of the Gonstead system and its principles can occur.

Returning to the UK, Dr. Isaacson took up locum positions in Gateshead and Stockton whilst establishing Durham Coastal Chiropractic in 2015. The clinic has been exclusively referral based and has grown considerably ever since due to the significant testimonies of patients.
At present he balances full time practice with helping his wife Kerry raising their two daughters Lily and Nicole. He enjoys to golf and mountain bike when the weather is good and explore Europe with the family, but also keeps fit and flexible at the gym and with yoga. “Nothing less will do after ten years of professional rugby!”
Why Gonstead? It arguably represents the gold standard of Chiropractic technique and is an exceedingly effective and scientifically proven system of manually adjusting the spine and extremities. Gonstead trained Chiropractors are highly sought after and regarded the world over due to their extensive training and years of dedication mastering the technique. Dr Clarence Gonstead was himself known as ‘The Chiropractor’s Chiropractor’.