I was referred to James by a friend after suffering from strong headaches and blurred vision following a road collision and seeing a physiotherapist. I had an appointment with my local GP who prescribed me painkillers which made my headaches worse. If it was not for a friend telling me about James, I don’t know where I would be at now as the headaches and blurred vision were causing me a lot of stress and fear as no one seemed to know what was really causing them. I had to have time off work as I work with a computer and I could barely read the words on the screen so it was a real problem for me. I was quite nervous about going to a Chiropractor as I was not sure what to expect and I had recently had a bad experience with the physiotherapist. However, after one appointment with James I felt very reassured as he was able to tell me what the problem was and put a care plan in place to help. After the first appointment I could tell a positive difference with my headaches and vision. As the appointments went on, the strength of my headaches decreased and I now have no headaches at all and my vision is back to normal. I cannot express enough how much James has helped me. Thank you
Tom Goundry
I ended 2018 with a golf handicap of 28, a handful of age-group triathlon top ten places and a sub-20 minute PB for my 5k run, but physically I was falling apart. I felt like my shoulder had been ripped from my body, my arm was on fire, plagued with pins and needles and I struggled to swim. I also had sciatica and piriformis symptoms, couldn’t run, ride or even sit down and was in constant pain. On a good recommendation I booked in for physio but after examination was quickly directed towards James Isaacson. I was a little sceptical but after further examination, James explained that physio would not help and that both problems originated with my neck and spine and that a misalignment was causing discs to press on the major nerves running through my shoulder and hip. James also explained what he would do over the following weeks and months to resolve the problems and that he would start with my neck and shoulder.
Graham Curry
The relief from the pain and other symptoms in my shoulder and arm from that very first treatment was transformational, but I knew I needed to continue the treatment and also make the lifestyle changes James had recommended in order to fully recover. Further treatment on my neck and lower back during early 2019 allowed me to resume training and in June I entered my first triathlon of the year not knowing what shape I was in, but to my surprise, I came away with my first ever age-group win! That was followed up by two further age-group wins, an age-group second place and a 5k time in which I was only a second off my previous PB. Golf didn’t get any better but that was purely down to lack of ability. James is quick to say he didn’t do the training which resulted in these small sporting successes, but I could not have begun to resume any form of training without his help. Pilates to improve posture and core strength is now part of my regime, as are periodic check ups with James to safeguard against future problems. James very, very many thanks for all your expertise and care.

I am a keen amateur racing cyclist. Due to my sport, I have had back stiffness issues most of my life. These issues were compounded by a nasty crash 10 years ago where I put cracks in my pelvis. I reached a point where after 30 minutes on the bike, putting any power through the pedals was impossible. I have been supported by James now for 18 months. He took time to assess my condition fully, identifying the issues and drawing up a long-term plan with clear goals. I have attended his practice monthly for treatment, during which James also re-evaluates my condition, adjusting my treatment accordingly. My condition will never be ‘cured’ and I will always have issues riding my bike. But thanks to James I am able to ride for hours now with minimal issue and have regained fitness enabling me to race competitively again.
Mike Guymer

I started visiting chiropractors in 2008 after bodybuilding for a number of years I started having problems with my lower back. In early 2016 I came across James Isaacson as the chiropractor I was seeing was on holiday. I was immediately impressed with James’s knowledge I told him the problems I was having and he said he could fix me in 3 sessions, which he did. I’ve also recommended numerous friends to see James and all of them have been really pleased with their improvements. Ive used numerous chiropractors in the past but James is by far the best. I now see James every 3 weeks going forward, just to keep everything in check. My back feels great allowing me to keep training hard.
Marty Fannan, NABBA Mr Britain